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Bombcats Over Bosnia Campaign

2005 Jan 09 – Bombcats Over Bosnia Campaign:

Our very own Major Dragon’s new campaign is designed to recreate the air combat missions flown from the USS Roosevelt by the Black Aces (VF-41) over Bosnia-Herzegovina during Operation Deny Flight and Operation Deliberate Force between 1993 and 1995.

The Bombcats Over Bosnia campaign is the prequel to Major Dragon’s Black Aces Over Kosovo campaign. As with BAOK, Major Dragon’s goal was to provide the JF18 community a historically based air combat experience and provide a “new” theater of operations in the Balkans.

As with Major Dragon’s past missions, he has tried to be as faithful as possible to the historical account. However, he has taken creative liberty by having VF-41 fly some of the missions that were actually flown by USAF aircrews with the 5th Allied Tactical Air Force stationed in Italy.

The missions are flown using the North Cape theater to represent the Balkans region. The Baltic terrain file (by Blitz) is provided and can be used as an option to the North Cape terrain. To add to the realism of the campaign, other files are also provided for optional use.

Major Dragon wants to thank Ripcord, without whose time and help this campaign would not have been possible.

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