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Non-Linear Campaign Karelskaya II

2005 Jan 26 – Non-Linear Campaign Karelskaya II:

JayP’s landmark campaign Karelskaya II with additional help from TSH is now available. This campaign represents a milestone in campaign creation in that it is a non-linear campaign that simulates a dynamic campaign. JayP is a pioneer in this area.

“We added a couple of SEAD missions at the start (again, chosen at random) to knock a couple of the stationary SAM sites. You have to really make the most out of these two first missions, get some of the other non-target SAMs too, if you can. Using your escorts and support is so critical, and I recommend using stand-off weapons in the beginning. If you aren’t successful on these first two missions, your next missions are going to be pretty ugly.” – Ripcord

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